AN UNQUIET MIND is Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison, is a clinical writer and psychologist. Her work has centered around the study of bipolar disorder; a disorder she knows first hand. The writings and studies she has published have been fundamental to understanding and treating the illness which plagues nearly 3% of the population in the US and 46 million people worldwide. AN UNQUIET MIND is an honest and eloquent memoir that gives a valuable perspective on how Jamison has managed her life, thus a keen and empathetic view on how millions with the disorder cope and can best be treated, medically as well as socially, to live a full and productive life. Having already been proliferate with her published studies and books on the subject, her exacting memoir offers valuable insights that delve into the deep, dark crevices of suffering and the whirlwind euphoria that people experience while in the debilitating throes of mental In fact, my own curiosity and skepticism as to whether anyone not having this illness can truly comprehend what it's like drew me to reading this book. I was enlightened by Dr. Jamison sharing her profound account of her trailblazing life. Even so, Dr. Jamison shares that she has faced professional doubts from peers and about her ability to treat patients with mental illness and her conundrums whether her studies would be tainted or biased. I concluded that building a better insight into this often maligned mental illness deemed by many as willful destructive behavior was always an ultimate objective for Dr. Jamison. She's maintained throughout that with monitored medical and psychological treatment, the disorder is manageable. Dr. Jamison's life of accomplishments, relationships and struggles is unremitting, unforgettable and invaluable to serving as a remarkable template for those navigating with a bipolar disorder and for those providing support to people living with this treatable but lifelong affliction. She credits individuals whose unwavering support enabled her to continue. Dr. Jamison also left me with her intrinsic knowledge of her own illness. "I honestly believe that a a result of it I have felt more things, more deeply; had more experiences, more intensely; loved more, and been more loved; laughed more often having cried more often...And I think much of this is related to my illness-the intensity it gives to things and the perspective it forces on me." Those suffering with bipolar disease need to know that they're not alone in this. There is help and understanding the disorder is essential to providing help.
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