Wednesday, September 28, 2022

My Greatest Save-Prof. Soccer Player Briana Scurry's Auto-Bio

Briana Scurry is a twice US gold medal Olympian in soccer.  She played goalie for the US Olympic and US women's Nat'l soccer team.  Scurry was inducted in the Nat'l Soccer Hall of Fame (2017).   In her auto-biography, Scurry tells us of her dedication to the game of soccer, and her years as a successful professional athlete.  Scurry shares her love of the game and devotion for her supportive family.  The youngest of 9 children, Brianna speaks of an idyllic childhood with omniscient, doting parents. She grew up getting the lion share of her parents' attention with most older siblings out-of-the house.  The amount of adoration she has for both her mom and dad is beyond reproach along with her allegiance to her guiding coach at progressing levels.  Her saccharine story of support and success tends to be overly sentimental and preachy.  "My parents message:  Do your best.  Do everything in your ability to e first, but if you put all you have into whether it's a geometry test or a hundred meter dash- you can hold your head high.  It's parenting 101, and borderline trite."  Yes, she got that right.  There's nothing wrong with the messaging of hard work and tenacity.  It got a little repetitive and numbing.  Still, this bio is worthwhile for young athletes especially soccer players.  Briana's story is a tale of two Scurries with a very happy ending. First, an inspiring athlete who is confident in herself and her capabilities and second, a sidelined athlete with debilitating brain injuries rendering her in constant pain leading to depression and financial ruin.  I wondered why she flailed financially after years as a professional goalie, forced to pawn her prized medals to foot her bills.  I zoned out on the minutia play by plays in games played.  Although, this attests to a sharp recall despite brain injury.  I found the dynamics of a team mentality compelling especially when a goalie she replaced as a starter aired her discontent in the press.  The team rallied around Brianna despite their devastating loss and called out the other goalie.  Briana attests, "You are on a team, and your job is to help the team.  Athletes with integrity do everything they can toward the end."  The psyche of self-inflicted torture a goalie inflicts upon themself and the ability to push it aside along with waning prowess as an athlete grabbed the most attention.  Scurry shares dark times of suicidal contemplations before getting life-restoring surgery.  These didn't have possess the same storytelling power as her ascending years on goal.   I was attuned to her personal connection with the tragic death of a black, male cousin having just been in police custody in MN.  Her battles with the insurance company were also worth noting.  Brianna's self-bio is inspiring, candid and socially relevant despite its bent at times towards tedium and over-kicks of kitsch. 

Road to success is not always a straight line.

"There are wrong turns.  There are potholes.  There are detours that force you to reverse field and try a different route altogether.  

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