Hunter College in NYC is offering online talks during this pandemic. A recent video concerned our country's opioid overuse & overdose problems. The informative talk and Q&A was between Liz Moore, a Hunter alum & novelist & award winning journalist & Non-F writer Beth Macy. Moore's recent novel LONG BRIGHT RIVER is a crime, mystery with a female protagonist, police officer, Mickey. Mickey is searching for her younger sister Kasey whose life took a downward path to self-destruction through heroin & prostitution to feed her habit. Macy's DOPESICK examines the origins of the pain killer Oxycontin & traces its havoc of destruction & pain. Moore draws us into the drama of a "good cop" Mickey, v. "bad cop" drug addicted sister. Their estrangement turns to frenzy for Mickey to find Kasey amidst a flurry of homicides of prostitutes that "worked" the same beat as Kasey. Moore develops a mystery of fitting together puzzle pieces to fit in solving Kasey's disappearance. It's also a story of familial love between sisters & Mickey's love for her young son. The story does take an unsurprising twist of corrupt cops promulgating drugs & prostitution for profit. Still, it's a stirring & prescient novel that both entertains & proselytizes the deadly & overpowering opioid addiction. Macy's DOPESICK cogently explains Oxycontin's billion dollar industry growth while knowingly pushing Drs. to overprescribe. Both writers reiterate the self-loathing & omnipotent hold wielded by opioid use. Those who become addicted are most likely to be ruled by the addiction for the rest of their lives and more than likely to die from an overdose. Side affects include depression, memory loss & the need to fulfill the cravings through illegal, self-destructive behaviors putting themselves & others in harms' way. Moore & Macy make clear the morphine override in an addicted person's brain is to avoid the psychological pain of withdrawal avoiding dopesickness at any cost. Macy's tells a David v. Goliath story; taking down the Purdue Drug Co. The hero is Dr. Van Zee, a local small VA town Dr. who became distressed burying young people whom he cared for & helped to bring into the world. His motivation not being financial gain but punitive measures aimed at Purdue to terminate their criminal behavior that resulted in so many deaths and take away their financial incentives to continue. Interestingly, Giuliani acted as legal counsel for Purdue brokering behind the scenes deals to mitigate fines & rebuff jail sentencing. Giuliani propagandized he wouldn't take an assignment with a Co. he felt acted improperly {hah!}. America remains a nation where becoming addicted is far easier than receiving treatment for addiction. "People with promise, people dependent & depended upon, people loving and beloved, one after another, in a line, in a river...a long bright river of departed souls." (Moore) Opiod Addiction becomes a lifelong & typically relapse laden disease & the only avenue to achieve remission is through medication-assisted treatment.
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