Monday, September 2, 2019

Jayson Green's "Once More We Saw Stars" Navigating Grief of His Daughter Greta Aged 2

 Jayson Green recounts the tragic death of his daughter Greta caused by a falling brick in NYC and the unfathomable grief he and his wife Stacy bore. "The worst affliction that can happen in a lifetime, and no can understand how we feel?"  We cannot fathom the depths of grief or the agonizing purgatory in the aftermath nor their journey into the future with their irrevocable loss. We shudder  to consider that the unthinkable; the worst thing that befall a parent.  Jayson is professional music critic and former editor of "Pitchfork".  Jayson purging the incomprehensible pain on page in a his raw & soul bearing manner it gets the reader keenly aware of our human feelings and our how we express our feelings and behaviors.  "Grief at its peak has a terrible beauty to it, a blinding fission of every emotion."  Jayson tells us "We learn to live with the sadness like a great, lovely companion, because it's a soft sadness that softens the heart and makes you op to everything."  Jayson's elegiac prose paints a vivid portrait of his daughter that is filled with joy, wonder & love.  The ripples in the wake of Greta's death continue to reverberate in expanding circles of family, friends and into the future.   Jayson shares his journey along with his wife carrying on with their lives while maneuvering around a bottomless cavern of grief and oftentimes being enfolded into this omnipresent aperture.  Wallace Styron's auto-bio "Darkness Visible" shares his battle with depression which shines a light on his personal bouts that illuminate for others its overwhelming darkness.  Green's book "Once More We Saw Stars" also provides a close proximity & empathy for this horrendous tragedy.  The reader passes through realms of emotions in a momentous ways that leaves its indelible mark that serves as a tendon to keep us connected to life and expanding our openness to our existence and those of others.  .

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