Friday, January 18, 2019

The WIFE between US Is a Sub-par Psychological Thriller about Abusive Relationship Signals

The novel "The Wife Between Us" is a psychological chick lit thriller with warnings to women on what to be on guard for as red flags in relationships with men that are toxic, abusive and ultimately fatal.  The messaging is meaningful and broad in scope to serve as a public safety message to women and to friends & family who sense something amiss but are remiss for not running interference.  However, this psychological thriller fails to deliver suspense or surprising twists or credibility for its heroine Vanessa, a.k.a. Nellie.  Vanessa is the unassuming victim for whom we're meant to feel sympathy and then admiration for her innovative empowerment.  Vanessa as the saccharine ingenue from FL who suffered traumatic events moves to the big Apple where she finds friendship, success and a fiancee that seems too good to be true.  As the saying goes, if it seems too good to be's probably not.  It took two authors to collaborate on this comme ci somme ca novel, "The Wife between US."  Greer Hendricks is making her writing debut.  Her writing partner, Sarah Pekkanen is the veteran.  Pekkanen is a columnist & contributor to NPR & E!.  Perhaps, this joint venture was female friendship serving to help other women prevail.  There were noble parables to take away to make other women vigilant about a relationship that is taking a threatening shift and for others not to leave their friends adrift.  A secondary message, but important nonetheless, is to eliminate hazing at sororities & fraternities.  Enough is Enough!  "The Wife Between Us" is fluff with warning signals for perilous stuff.

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